Monday Morning. I am at the traffic signal.
Yes, you guessed it right! Stuck, frustrated,
irritated and everything that screams S.O.S.
God with all this traffic, do we even need
The honking people are honking their best.
I am as frustrated as I possibly could be !
As I look out I see this huge poster of Krishna put
up for Janmashtami celebrations.
Oh Lord Krishna, us from this daily
It’s funny how sometimes when we are alone with our
thoughts, we embark on a soul journey.
“Daily Mahabharat ” in the eternal traffic of
existence! Wow!
The boss screaming his lungs, the kid throwing
tantrums, the husband going ballistic, the mother falling sick and so on
and so forth.
Every day we face our own private battles. Every time we face a
situation, we jump right into it equipped with uncontrolled emotions trying to
better it.
Do we need to react...and immediately? Right now
stuck in the traffic I see two options.
Either I can honk, scream, yell making it a
nightmare for everyone, or sit quiet and tune in the radio louder, close my
eyes and drift into a happy place.
Accept the situation, let the Mahabharata go on
outside; let there be peace inside.
So often we forget we have this choice.
Can we accept and allow all situations as a part of
life and move on ?
Can we love without putting conditions...
And not hurt ourselves in return ?
Do we need to lose our balance every time someone
loses theirs?
Must we live in a world of reactions?
I realised I had tuned myself off from the traffic
My heart skipped a beat as the radio was playing my
favourite song.
Bliss I found right there as I was smiling and
humming the song.
Same situation- different me
Tune in to your bliss - it's right there within you.
Let the Mahabharata outside go on...
Where Krishna is just a spectator knowing and
allowing it in peace
Arjun, the warrior, fighting his own blood is in
Be Krishna or be Arjun
The choice is yours
I, for the sake of my sanity and peace, choose to
be Krishna .
Amqxicgly written, all what a signal can thouhth is written