Why Do We?

Why do we chant ‘Bhojan Mantra’?

In Bhagawad-Geeta, Bhagvan Shri Krishna redefined Yagya karma. Till then it was understood as the physical Yagya- karma as described in Vedas. 

Bhagvan Shri Krishna says, all the aspects of Yagya (as described in Vedas) e.g. aarpana (Ghee), the fire, aahuti everything is Brahman itself and it reaches Brahman when put in the fire of Yagya because Brahma = Karma.

Even Bhojana is Yagya, where the fire is the Jatharagni (fire inside stomach), the aahuti is food and the person who does this aarpan is also Brahma swarup. 

But unless we know this fact and appreciate this we will not be able to take this Yagya to its completeness. When it’s done with such understanding nobody will overeat, waste food and hence nobody would sleep hungry. When someone overeats he is actually eating other’s share, Bhagvan Shri Krishna calls such person a thief. To remind this we chant ‘Bhojan Mantra’.

Sarang Akotkar


  1. That's a very good explanation!
    Swami Madhavanand mhantat,(dusrya eka reference madhe) sarv Bramhch ahe, hya anushangane, ha yadnya asa ahe, jyat bramhach bramhamadhe milat ahe..He pahanara, anubhavnara jar ka brmhaswarup hoil, to yadnya khara yadnya mhanta yeil��

  2. Marathi mandali sahasa jevanapurvi ”Vadani Kaval gheta” ha shlok mhantat! This Sanskrit Bhojan Mantra is very new to us which is very nicely explained by Sarang!

  3. Nilesh, just chant the Marathi bhojan mantra once in mind. Its written by, I guess Samartha Ramdas swami. You will find its actually a marathi translation of what Shri Krishna said.
